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Yankee candles !

Hey Guys!
 Yesterday i went out with my boyfriend and just because there was Clinton I really wanted buy myself a Yankee Candle. I really couldn't decide on which one i should pick and as they are quite pricey i really wanted to chose the one i like the most... I just couldn't. I loved 4 on the smells and i decided to buy myself 4 little flower shaped ones just to try it out and see what i think about it. Also i tend to change the smells in my room because i get bored of the same smell and that was the best way to try them all out and chose my favorite one. However the average size of the Yankee Candle costs £16.00 (it lasts for 110-150 hours) I wanted to try my favorites before buying a big jar.

Yankee Candles - £1.20 each (8 hours each)

Number 1 - strawberry buttercream ( Creme a lafraise) £1.20

 I cant get enough of this smell it actually smells like a strawberry butter cream and just because how it smells i wish i was able to eat it. Its very creamy and settle not so sweet like the rest of the candles really  nice and refreshing. 

Number 2 - Black Cherry (cerise noire) £1.20
 THIS is the best smell on earth I love love love it. I almost bought the massive jar for £18.00 but my boyfriend convinced me to get a sample of it and see if i actually like it so much. Thank god I did, this candle has a very strong sent of sweets such as haribo's. Its not a bad thing but because its so strong I would probably get bored of it pretty easily. 

 Number 3 - Pink Sands ( Sables roses)
This smells like something out of body shop/ lush . Its very refreshing and sweet but not sickly sweet like the black cherry. This is probably a winner when it comes to my favorite one - hands down. It is just so girly so fresh and it would very suit my room. I just love the way it makes my room smell i just dont want to leave my bedroom.

Number 4 - Cinnamon Stick (caton de cannelle)
There was no question about this candle as me and my boyfriend are completely obsessed when it comes to Cinnamon - everything with cinnamon has to be mine. The smell reminds me of Christmas Time. I truly love this sent but wouldn't buy it as a full big jar... well maybe for Christmas !

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